Singing Guide: Jason Gray

Singing Guide: Jason Gray

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Jason Gray is a well-known contemporary Christian singer-songwriter. In this article, we are going to learn how to sing like him. We will explore his unique vocal style and identify the techniques he employs to create such captivating performances. We will also highlight some of his notable songs and how to learn them.

To sing like Jason Gray, you need to focus on the following key areas:

  1. Breathing techniques: Jason Gray is known to employ breathing techniques such as diaphragmatic breathing and active breathing. Active breathing is when you push the air out while singing, and diaphragmatic breathing is the use of the large muscle located beneath your lungs to efficiently inhale and exhale while singing.

  2. Vocal registers: Jason Gray uses a mix of chest voice, head voice, and falsetto to create his unique vocal style. It is essential to learn how to blend these vocal registers to achieve a seamless transition between them.

  3. Vibrato: Jason Gray employs vibrato as a way of adding texture and flavor to his performances. Discover and practice various vibrato techniques to improve your vocals.

  4. Pronunciation: Jason Gray is known for enunciating his lyrics clearly, which makes his songs easy to learn and sing. It would be best if you learned how to articulate each word clearly during your performance.

Now that we’ve covered the key areas let's move onto some of Jason Gray's notable songs and resources to help you learn them:

  1. “More Like Falling In Love”: This song is a great example of Jason Gray's use of diaphragmatic breathing and vibrato. Check out the Pitch Accuracy Test on Singing Carrots to practice your pitch accuracy in singing this song.

  2. “Good to Be Alive”: This song is a celebration of life and encourages listeners to live in the moment. Take the Authoritative Singing postures Course on Singing Carrots to help improve your posture and ensure that you sing this song with the required level of energy.

  3. “Remind Me Who I Am”: This song showcases Jason Gray's use of head voice and his ability to convey emotions. Check out the How To Find Your Own Authentic Voice article by Singing Carrots to practice singing this song authentically.

Utilize the following Singing Carrots resources to improve your singing ability:

  • Breathing Basics and Breath Support articles to help hone your breathing techniques.
  • Heavy Modal, Twang, and Belting exercises to help improve your vocal registers
  • How to Twang Exercise, How to Growl Exercise, Bee Gee Harmony - Exaggerated Vibrato exercises to help improve your vibrato.
  • Articulation article and Finger Bite exercise can help improve your Pronunciation.

By understanding and practicing these key areas, listening to and learning Jason Gray's songs, and using the recommended Singing Carrots resources, you can learn how to sing like Jason Gray, elevate your singing ability, and captivate your audience with your performances.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.